Our mission

EmpowerEd provides an exceptional educational environment where all are encouraged to be responsible, resilient, compassionate, and connected.

What We Do!

We strive to provide a learning community where all kids can be CREATIVE.

Conscientious - aware of global and community challenges and have a desire to overcome them.

Resilient - understand that there will be failures and how to learn from them.

Empowered - have the strength to be themselves and to create change in the world.

Adventurous - feel safe enough to take risks.

Thoughtful - are kind to themselves and others.

Inquisitive - have a curiosity of people, cultures, things, etc. and seek to understand the world better.

Valiant - brave in the face of adversity.

Engaged - positively involved in their community and world.


EmpowerEd is a nonprofit school in Rapid City that provides a collaborative, diverse, and holistic education for young people aged 3 to 19. Our learners collaborate across ages while working with experienced, certified teachers. They also engage with the larger community through frequent field trips, community service, and special projects.

EmpowerEd respects and encourages diversity in culture, identity, and belief. We intentionally provide opportunities for learners to share their own perspectives and cultures. We respect and use the names and pronouns that they share with us. They learn World Languages starting at the youngest ages. We reach beyond the textbook to find authentic learning opportunities, including field trips and guest educators.

We nurture a holistic environment where social emotional well being, mental health, physical growth, and intellectual progress are all equally important. One major component is the integration of resilience skills, which are proven to mitigate and even counteract the negative consequences of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). At EmpowerEd, these strategies are interwoven with the fabric of the school on a daily basis.

Our distinct learning community makes space at the very center of the mission for students to deeply explore the impact that their actions have on their community. While learning about water treatment, food access, sustainable farming, and personal health, students are given information to expand their world vision and given choices about how to utilize that information.

Our Nondiscrimination Policy

It is the policy of EmpowerEd to ensure equal opportunity to all persons served by or serving the organization, or having any relationship with the organization without discrimination or harassment on the basis of age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, religion or creed, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, native language, citizenship, marital status, veteran’s status, political service or affiliation, or otherwise as may be prohibited by federal and state law. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

Learning Environment

A kid’s learning environment should be as diverse and adaptive as kids themselves. To create that environment, EmpowerEd focuses on 5 areas:

  • Holistic: Embracing the whole person.

  • Kid centered: Following the interests of the kid.

  • Personalized: Acknowledging a kid’s abilities in addition to their interests.

  • Applied life skills: Incorporating skills that are truly essential to life.

  • Collaborative: One of the single most important keys to success in life is learning how to work with others.

 How do we do it?

These four stages are constantly cycling and overlapping.


First, we learn about the kids. What are their interests and goals?

We talk with each kid and their family and document responses. We ask about their interests and personal learning goals, their strengths and struggles.

Formal and informal interviews happen throughout the year, at the beginning, during conferences, and at the end of the year. Updates can also be made via phone and email.



Second, we assess where kids are in their learning right now. What are their strengths, struggles, and interests?

We utilize a variety of methods to continually assess where kids are in their learning: interviews, observations, demonstrations, activities, and formative tests.

*Our assessments are proficiency based, not grade based.

When a kid reaches proficiency in a topic, it gets added to their proficiency portfolio, along with artifacts along their learning journey.



Third, the kids and teachers design a personalized learning plan (PLP). This is an ongoing document that evolves with the kid’s learning.

Keeping the kid’s interests at the center, we match resources, activities, and projects to move the kid toward their goal. Throughout this process, we consider their strengths and support their struggles to encourage holistic growth. As their learning evolves, so does their PLP.



In the mornings, kids follow their PLPs. Individually or in small groups, kids work online or offline toward their specific learning goals at their own pace.

In the afternoons, kids work collaboratively on projects of their choosing. These projects develop real world skills in collaboration and communication, while applying the theoretical knowledge they are learning independently. In addition to building kids’ skills, many of these projects also benefit our community.

Why do we do it this way?

Below are some of our inspirations to change from traditional education, some important elements to learning, and other inspirational educational philosophies. There are many resources to explore here. Enjoy!


Inspiration to Change

Why is change needed in the traditional educational system? Here are several videos that have provided inspiration for starting EmpowerEd.


Inspirational Educational Philosophies

These are other educational philosophies from which EmpowerEd draws inspiration. Each of these are successful styles utilized throughout the world.


Unschooling, Sudbury, Free Schools



Democratic Free Schools:

What EmpowerEd incorporates from free schools/unschooling:

  • Kids have a voice in their community

  • Kids have choice in their learning

  • Kids are empowered to be active in their own lives


Reggio Emilia

More Reggio Emilia resources:

What EmpowerEd incorporates from Reggio Emilia:

  • Learns from observing the kids

  • Follows the kids’ interests

  • Encourages greater creativity

  • Supports social emotional growth of kids

  • Builds positive relationships


More Waldorf resources:

What EmpowerEd incorporates from Waldorf:

  • Developmentally appropriate learning

  • More arts

  • Encourages creativity

  • Experiential learning

More Montessori resources:

What EmpowerEd incorporates from Montessori:

  • Hands on learning

  • Practical life skills

  • Kid driven interests

  • Collaborative

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